Sunday Lent 5
3/26/23 Fully Alive All three readings this Sunday deal with the theme of life and how we live it. Do you feel fully alive? As we prepare for Easter, The Rev’d Dr. Mark Hargreaves offers that “this resurrection life, is something that we can begin to experience now.” Read here. |
Sunday Lent 4
3/19/23 Jesus Loves You The Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo delivers her final sermon as she departs to be Rector of St. Dunstan’s Church in San Diego. Reflecting on Psalm 23, she offers that we “…have a very, very, very Good Shepherd who loves, blesses, guides, and provides for us every day of our lives… In other words: Jesus loves you.” Read here. |
Sunday, Lent 3
3/12/23 Living Waters Jesus offered the Samaritan woman living waters. In this period of Lenten self-examination the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves asks “…what are we being called to leave behind…that we might come to thirst for the streams of living water that Jesus…still promises to us today?” Read here. |
Sunday Lent 2
3/5/23 Faith Journey Questions The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves states “John’s gospel is very clear that the eternal life, the gift which Jesus promises, is something that can begin now.” Using both Abraham and Nicodemus, he asks us this Lent to ponder our own faith journeys. Read here. |
Sunday, Lent 1
2/26/23 Temptations As we enter Lent The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves outlines how Christ was tempted by and resisted the Devil. He also gives us concrete ways to resist those times when we may face such temptations, offering that “It’s a time to try and build up our spiritual strength and resources…”. Read here. |
Ash Wednesday
2/22/23 Don’t Look Away The Rev’d Christina Miller leads us into a holy Lent by asking you to “Feel your feelings and think your thoughts, and let God meet you in all of it with love and mercy, with healing and with deep satisfaction.” Read here. |
Sunday, Last of Epiphany
2/19/23 Sing and Pray Our last Sunday after Epiphany finds us at the transfiguration. Moving into Lent, The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves takes that shocking event to urge us to take on both enthusiastic singing and quiet prayer “… opening ourselves up to the possibility that we too might be changed by God’s Spirit at work in us.” Read here. |
Sunday, Epiphany 6
2/12/23 Plant Your Acorn Is Jesus too demanding of us? As we contemplate approaching Lent The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves offers how we might encourage the seed of faith, “that acorn that is planted in each one of us in our heart?” Read here. |
Sunday Epiphany 5
2/5/23 Students of the Bible As we approach Lent, and as she nears the end of her ministry at St. James, the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo reflects on her first time teaching the Bible to villagers in Thailand, concluding “It is my sincere hope that the people of St. James will continue to hunger for Scripture and be students of the Bible.” Read here. |
Sunday Epiphany 4
1/29/23 God’s Upside-down Kingdom Worshipping at the Cuvier Club because our organ installation and threatening weather, The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves took the readings for the day to show some of the wisdom of God’s upside-down world, “. . . that upside-down kingdom which is so different to the way of the world.” Read here. |
Sunday, Epiphany 3
1/22/23 A Great Light The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves takes the Prophet Isaiah’s words and offers them to us while looking at our year ahead: “The call on us as followers of Jesus is to let people know that the light has come … The light beckons us to walk without fear into the world, building God’s alternative kingdom.” Read here. |
Sunday Epiphany 2
1/15/23 Send Me On this Outreach Sunday coincident with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves uses St. John’s description of Jesus’ anointment by the Holy Spirit to remind us of our mission that descends from that. Urging us on, Fr. Mark asks us to “…be mindful of Dr. King’s call not to regard following Jesus as merely a Sunday activity.” Read here. |
Sunday Epiphany 1
1/8/23 Saying Yes To Jesus On a day marking the baptism of our Lord, the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo reflects on the importance of the basic tenets of our faith: “I invite you now, in the still and quiet of your own heart to hear and ponder your response to these questions…and say YES to Jesus”. Read here. |
Sunday Feast of the Holy Name
1/1/23 Your Name Here On the Feast of the Holy Name the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo asks you to think on your name, what it means, and how your life may be revealed in it. She suggests we ask God “…to be revealed to you in new ways – and to reveal your purpose in new ways – so that God’s Name may be praised in you.” Read here. |