Sunday, Pentecost 4
The Elephant in the Room 6/28/20 Lamenting the fractured state of discourse in the land, where everything seems to be misconstrued as political or divisive, the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo calls us to listen to St. Paul, seek righteousness, and “…stand together against the spirit of division in all its forms and name it for what it is.” Read now. Sunday, Pentecost 3
A Time for Great Hope 6/21/20 With Paul’s letter to the Romans as a guide, the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves takes on the issue of racism, and sees hope that “…we can choose together to walk in newness of life.” He continues…“Let’s start within our families and within our church, we can reach out and seek forgiveness for the things we’ve said and done, which have hurt people.” Read now. Sunday, Pentecost 2
Peace, Access, Hope 6/14/20 Today’s reading from St Paul’s epistle to the Romans brings forward concepts of peace, access, and hope, all of which are directly related to our current events. Rather than hoping for a return to what we considered “normal,” the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves asks us for more stating “We’re called to be a people who work for the building of God’s kingdom so that all people can dwell in shalom.” Read now. Sunday, Trinity
Our Great Commission 6/7/20 In the midst of a period of national fear, anguish, and racial turmoil the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo uses a poignant personal story to lead us back to our Great Commission and suggest to us that “…we must choose humility to listen and check our own conceptions at the door,…we have to learn and be challenged by what we hear and show respect for the voices begging to be heard about unjust systems.” Read now. Sunday, Pentecost
A Spirit for change 5/31/20 On Pentecost the Holy Spirit became the spreading force of God’s power and changed everything from then on. As we get ready to resume in-person worship in our changed world, The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves asks “Where do you need God’s power in your life to make a difference, to be transformative?” Read now. Sunday, Feast of the Ascension
Open and waiting 5/24/20 On this Feast of the Ascension the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves surveys how this Easter season has been so different, that in fact the Church as Christ’s body is open for God’s business, and as we wait with the disciples for the coming of His Holy Spirit “…the journey of the Christian life carries on whether we’re worshiping inside a building, or not.” Read now. Sunday, Easter 6
Restoration and Renewal 5/17/20 St. Peter was asked three times by Jesus whether he loved him corresponding to the three times he’d denied Jesus only days earlier. It’s then that Peter realized the depth of love forgiveness and redemption being offered to him, and it’s then that Jesus’s command to “Feed my sheep” gives him his purpose. As we contemplate how life after quarantine will be different, the Rev’d. Mark Hargreaves asks that “…we too be restored and renewed. May we, like Peter, learn to walk in newness of life.” Read now. Sunday, Easter 5
Pandemic transformations 5/10/20 In her first visit to St. James the Rt. Rev’d. Susan Brown Snook takes the opportunity to draw parallels between the current pandemic keeping us out of our church, and the early Christians being thrown out of the temple in Jerusalem. That big change ended up creating a transformation that is the church today. She asks: “So how, in this pandemic, in this quarantine, in this isolation and these changes that we are experiencing now, how might God be calling us to be transformed?” She answers her question. Read now. Sunday, Easter 4
Detective Work 5/3/20 Bringing her best Nancy Drew to St. James, the Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo delivers a “Special Investigative Report on the Case of the Empty Tomb”, and reveals some enduring truths that will be sure to help you through the current pandemic. Read now. Sunday, Easter 3
Fear Not 4/26/20 The disciples (less Thomas) were locked upstairs in fear, sheltering in place as if it were today. Maybe that’s why the Bible tells us 365 times “be not afraid.” As we navigate Easter season in self-quarantine, the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves looks forward to when we will be back together, and assures us “the antidote to fear is here now. Jesus still offers his people peace. Let’s seek the peace that Jesus offers.” Read now. Sunday, Easter 2
Our New Normal 4/19/20 Mary wept at the tomb of Jesus. For Mary and the disciples life would never return to normal, it had fundamentally changed. As we lean into the COVID-19 pandemic, what will be our new normal when it’s finally run its course? The Rev’d Mark Hargreaves asks us to examine our resurrection life, and assures us that “…the pain which makes us weak today will not be the final word.” Read now. Easter Sunday
Doors Closed – Hearts Open 4/12/20 At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when churches throughout the world have their doors closed, the Rev’d Mark Hargreaves, preaching from the church steps, wants you to know that “…the door of the church may have been closed, but we celebrate the Easter, the open tomb, by opening our hearts to the risen Lord.” Read now. Palm Sunday
Getting Through This 4/5/20 Walking into Jerusalem behind Jesus The Rev’d D. Rebecca Dinovo puts our present trials into perspective and leaves us with the assurance that “you may be in need of a dose of peace and calm in your life right now – and I’d like to suggest that God wants that for you too.” Read now. |