Please call the church office at (858) 459-3421 x103 to begin the process of scheduling a baptism. For general questions about baptism and/or membership please contact the Rector, Father Mark Hargreaves.

Baptism is more than a momentary act; it is the beginning of a lifelong pilgrimage following in the steps of Jesus Christ.  It is the entrance into the communion of the church as a member of St. James by-the-Sea and the Anglican Communion as well as the worldwide Christian community. Because of this, baptisms are conducted during a church service rather than as a private affair for the family.  Adults are asked to publicly affirm their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to dedicate their lives to his service. Children may be baptized if at least one parent is also a Christian or the child is of an age to speak for her or himself. Parents and sponsors are asked to promise a home environment that encourages the practices of the Christian faith, to pray for the child, and to be faithful witnesses to God’s love in Christ.

Preparation for baptism is important. Parents of children to be baptized will meet with a member of the clergy for instruction.  Adults to be baptized will have a private or small group meeting with a priest to prepare for their baptism.